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I was not giving you up no matter what she said, well, you know her better than I do. What
do you think she would have done?
Michael frowned and then grinned.  So you had to be the cold-hearted bitch that
someone like Willie could relate to, a woman in it for her self-interests and nothing else.
Should I believe that? After all, you spent the money, bought the caf� with it, I don t doubt.
 I m not a fool.
He chuckled.  No, my mate wouldn t be.
 I m not so certain I am your mate.
His eyes blazed.  I am. With that, he lifted her from the table and carried her over to
her bed, a few steps away since the second floor over her caf� did not use the entire square
footage of the building. Her studio included a kitchen, bedroom, and a small eating area in
close proximity to each other and no benefit of a wall to separate them.
Michael placed her on the bed and followed her down. He planted himself between her
legs and cast a glance down at her heated pussy. An eyebrow rose in question.  I don t think
he has the patience to eat you this time. We need to be inside you.
Chrissie opened her mouth to ask why he referred to the wolf like they were two
separate people, but Michael pushed the head of his staff to her opening, and all she could
do was close her eyes and moan. She welcomed him in, took hold of his hips, and wrapped
her legs around his outer thighs. Soon Michael was buried to the hilt and began a slow
rhythm of easing in and out of her silken heat.
 Fuck, you feel incredible, he declared.
His shoulder came down toward her, and Chrissie pressed soft kisses to his moist skin.
Tears pricked her eyes at his gentleness, not believing that he was capable of such a thing or
that his wolf would allow it. The first time they were together, Michael had been all about his
pleasure even though she had come multiple times. Tonight was different. She sniffed and
hid her face behind his shoulder. He drew back.
 You re crying? I m hurting you?
Embarrassed, she didn t answer but pulled him back down to her. What in the world was
going on with her? No, she knew what it was even if she wouldn t admit it. She loved him.
That fast and for no reason. It had happened in a flash, amid characteristics from him that
would have never drawn her to another man. Maybe Michael was right. Maybe they were
destined for one another.
 Michael, she murmured.
He rotated their positions and pulled her on top. When he squeezed her thighs, ground
her deeper into his groin, she was helpless to fight the sudden orgasm that shook her. Their
hips moved in unison, and Michael kept her tight to his chest as he explored her mouth with
his. Chrissie found his flat nipples and pinched them before reaching behind her to tease his
Michael stopped her.  You ll make me come too soon doing that.
Chrissie laughed. She sat up, shook his hand off, and continued to stroke him.  I m
taming the beast. You ll come for me now, wolf-boy, and as often as I want you to.
He chuckled.  Do you think you re woman enough to make the wolf do what you
 I m that and more. Don t you ever forget it.
To demonstrate her temporary control over him, she braced one palm on his ripped abs
and rode him harder. His huge cock slipped in and out of her, making her feel so good, she
almost forgot what she was doing. Her lids drooped and head bowed, but she fought to keep
focused. A glance at Michael told her he wouldn t last long. She increased her pace and took
his balls in her palm.
Michael shouted once, and then he emptied his hot seed inside her. For the second time,
Chrissie came, right behind him, quivering and unable to keep her balance. He caught her
when she fell toward him and flipped her beneath him. Michael lifted one of her thighs and
stroked the underside while grinding into her. Chrissie grit her teeth. Her sensitive clit grazed
his flesh while he pushed deeper inside.
 I need it again, my love, he told her.  Surrender to me.
Before she knew what was happening, she came again. Michael didn t give her more than
a few moments rest for half the night, until she admitted that she could never control the
wildness that was in him. He grinned at her, the superiority that was a part of his makeup
shining in his eyes.
 Don t worry. Soon you will be like me, and your drive will match mine. When that
happens, you ll be able to take me until we re both worn out. That I promise you.
Fear gripped her insides. Like him? What did he mean? A werewolf, but how? She
swallowed and would have asked him, but an arrested expression came over his face. He
rolled to the side of the bed and sat there with his back to her. Chrissie sat up.  What s
Michael stood and began to dress. Her heart sank. So he was tired of her already? What
happened to all the promises? He turned to face her after he had sat down to tie his shoes.
 I have to go.
 I have to take care of some business. He leaned over and kissed her.  Don t worry. I ll
be back. With no explanation whatsoever, he strolled toward the door, grabbing the
forgotten sandwich from a chair where she must have dropped it.  You don t mind if I take
this? See you later.
And just like that, he was gone.
Chapter Eleven
Michael downed the meat sandwich in a couple of bites, savoring the flavor. It had been
months since he d had anything like it, and as he hurried along the street where Chrissie s
caf� was located, he wondered if maybe the best decision for him and Chrissie after he had
turned her was to fly to Earth. At least there, they could hunt, and he had heard there were
spots that were not controlled by the agency. Werewolves weren t allowed to roam outside
the reservation, but he could find a way, somehow to keep Chrissie safe until Willie got over
her obsession with him.
Thinking of keeping Chrissie safe, he frowned.  Gabriel, are you still there?
 I m here. How long until you arrive?
 Half-hour, Michael responded.  So you re telling me you think Willie had something to do with
why we couldn t find the three werewolves over at that other site? You ve got evidence of that?
 I wouldn t have interrupted your mating otherwise.
Michael grunted.  Just how long were you lurking in my head? Had Gabriel been listening in,
maybe experiencing what Michael felt while he made love to Chrissie? Under normal
circumstances, he would have sensed his brother s presence in his head, but not when he
was half out of his mind with bliss.
 Does it matter?
 You know it does, damn it!
 Fine, Gabriel answered after a few moments of silence.  I was there long enough to know she
is the one. She s your mate.
 I ve been telling you that for a while.
 You re not like me, little brother. I would have claimed my mate by now. In fact, I m pretty sure it
didn t take a month for me to bite her.
 Kiss my ass.
Gabriel chuckled and then sobered.  We can discuss what this means for your life later. What we
need to do is find those werewolves before they cause trouble.
 That is if they didn t return to their downed ship and die of starvation, Michael cut in.  And you re
not my alpha, so you can forget about us discussing what Chrissie means for my life.
Gabriel didn t comment on that assertion. Michael already knew his brother considered
all lone werewolves his responsibility, especially those that happened to land or were made
on Somana Two. Michael had the disgusting privilege of seeing how Willie s cousin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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