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Dreibrand clarified, "I am an Atrophane noble. So, those soldiers see me as a
countryman who has a disagreement with their lord."
"But for their loyalty to Sandin to be so weak& " Tytido said.
"I know they seem fickle to you," Dreibrand said, feeling the need to defend
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his people. "But Sandin has not cultivated their loyalty. He has demanded it,
but never earned it. When I was an officer, I
began to gain power because I was popular. I did not assume that I was a
leader. I showed that I
was a leader."
Tytido nodded, accepting that Dreibrand s explanation was not so strange.
Years ago, Tytido had decided that Dreibrand deserved his loyalty more than
other men deserved it.
Atarek cleared his throat and gave the pipe back to Tytido. He retrieved his
dependable flask but stopped it halfway to his mouth. Studying the western
characters etched into the metal flask, he asked, "Dreibrand, are you really
sure this whole thing is a good idea?"
"Do you doubt that I can take Promentro?" Dreibrand said defensively.
Atarek rolled his eyes, searching for the right words. He did not want to
offend his brother, but he wanted to express his worry. "Dreiby, it is a
combat. Anything could happen. You know, bad luck. I
just do not know if I can let you go through with this."
"I did not ask for your permission," Dreibrand said.
"Well maybe you should have," Atarek snapped.
Sensing that the brothers needed some privacy, Tytido excused himself and went
to wait for scouts to report back to camp.
Dreibrand was grateful for his friend s tact. Alone now with his brother, he
said, "Is this about you being the older brother? Do you think this should be
your fight?"
Atarek muttered bitterly, "Yeah. I guess something like that."
Dreibrand sat forward. "Atarek, this fight between Sandin and I could have
easily happened years ago when I was still in the military. But I promise you,
At, tomorrow he will pay for what he did to you. The insult to our House has
been foremost in my mind even if I speak mostly of challenging him so I can
seize his power."
Atarek gestured dismissively. He did not like the subject. "Why stick around
here when our enemies outnumber us? It is too risky. They only accepted the
truce because they were cold and tired. I say we should go find King Shan. You
said he was our greatest advantage."
Dreibrand cast his gaze into the hot mysteries of the campfire. He searched
the small flames for his lost love for Shan. The affection was there, but it
cried like a forlorn child lost in a crowded market.
Gathering his resolve, Dreibrand intended to go on without the support from
Shan that he had become so accustomed to having.
"I do not want to see Shan. You may not realize what happened when I begged
him to stop the horror this afternoon, but he hurt me." Dreibrand took a deep
breath as he remembered the pain.
"I do not know what stopped Shan. If it was me, or him, or the Gods we are
supposed to believe in. But, I do not know him anymore."
Atarek detected his brother s desolation. The strength that Dreibrand derived
from his friendship with Shan had been obvious, and Atarek did not want his
brother to act rashly because of his sudden vulnerability. Atarek knew that
his brother was prone to snap decisions in times of stress.
Perhaps that made him a good leader and perhaps it did not.
"I still think you should reconsider your options," Atarek persisted.
For a moment, Dreibrand sagged beneath the pressure of his brother s concerns.
Although he was fully aware of the increased risks due to Shan s departure, it
did not diminish the prize.
"I must follow through on my challenge," Dreibrand said. "You must agree that
this is our big chance. With Tempet gone, and probably Alloi as well, we can
secure Nufal for years by subduing this army."
Atarek recognized when his brother s mind was made up. They had argued too
many times in the past for him to waste more time on the activity.
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Dreibrand understood that essentially Atarek was only concerned for his
safety. Feeling very close to his brother, Dreibrand tried to reassure him. He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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