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way to express It. I could now see that the key was in loving your neighbour as yourself.
 Is it not so, my son, that you have in the past tried to corner a bit of Reality for
yourself? he asked.  But it did not work. You desired Reality, only so that you could get what
you wanted. Reality to you was but a means to an end . This is not expressing Reality; it is
merely a suggestion in opposition to another suggestion in your mind.
 Now you know that the only way to express Reality is through love and affection, and
then there is no frustration, no opposition. But this affection does not mean that you are merely
in love with the idea that by so doing you will get what you want.
 People everywhere are seeking the love of God but hate their enemies. They are
praying for peace but are preparing for war. They want success at the expense of their
neighbour, but they are really cheating themselves.
 You see, my son, it is this inward poverty that makes them look to the external and
they miss the Creativeness that is ever-present and Eternal.
 In the past you were discussing Reality as an idea, and so the idea became to you the
Truth, when it was not the Truth.
I knew that now, for my friend very soon disposed of that fallacy with the first few
words he said to me:  It does not matter very much whether it was true or not.
What I had was not the Real---and I knew it at that very moment, and I said so.
 True, my son. he affirmed.
Then he went on:  Nearly all literature on Truth or philosophies discusses Reality as an
idea. Reality is Life, and the mind cannot conceive what It is, therefore it is useless trying to
make an idea of Life. But when you see that an idea is but an imitation, a mental concept, it dies
away. Then Life that is ever-present becomes a Reality in you. You do not create It; what you
create is not Reality. Reality is not an idea or a mental formulation but an actual Livingness
expressing Itself in Love and affection. As long as you have merely an idea of It you will never
know or experience It.
 You must realise, my son, that you live because Reality lives. Reality is Life---the
Unknown is Life, and Life is creative; you do not know what Life is but you know that It is.
 Yes, I said,  I do now know that It is, I am the Life.
 Yes, he interrupted,  provided you do not try to make an idea of It. You see, my son,
if your prayers arise merely from an idea or a belief which is your own conditioning they
amount to nothing. This conditioning must cease to be, before the Unknown comes into Being.
 You must never lose yourself in philosophy or question another on that which can be
realised only by yourself. You see, my son, if I would philosophise to you about the wonders
of Reality you would only build up an idea of Reality. But you can never give expression to
Reality through an idea, only through the action of Love and affection.
 You do not know what Love is, but you can experience Love. Possessiveness is not
Love. Love is Eternal and Ever-present, whereas possessive love comes to an end.
 God is the Unknown and cannot be known. The moment you think you know God it
is not God you know, but an idea of God---a projected image which hinders the discovery of
the Unknown.
 Yes, I can see that, I said,  at first I was afraid to throw away the false. My mind
always wanted something to hang on to. But when I saw how false it all was and how my
ignorance blinded me to the falseness of it, the false fell away. The freedom I felt was beyond
words. I was no longer caught up in beliefs, in ideas; and my fears dissolved as I saw they
were my own creations.
 Yes, he said,  that is all very true. But Reality is never the result of the false, or the
elimination of the false. You must know that It is now at this very moment and does not rise out
of the false. The false has no foundation whatsoever; it is a myth. It is self-created illusion.
 You see, my son, beliefs are a process of the mind and are born of the known. If you
merely say  God is the Unknown you create an idea of the Unknown. But your mental
creation of the Unknown is not the Unknown----the Creative---the Real.
 The man who accumulates wealth, builds temples, organises religions; the bishops, the
cardinals, the preachers, as well as the man who drops the bombs, say that God is their
companion. Surely their belief is but a form of self-expansion. It is merely their own conceit.
Those who have conditioned their minds to a particular pattern which they call their religion can
never realise the ultimate Reality which is Love and Affection.
 Yes, I said,  I can see that, and that is the cause of all antagonisms, each having a
different pattern, a different religion, a different idea, trying to make others conform to their
idea, and if they do not succeed they look upon you as something apart from themselves. The
live in separation, which is the cause of all war, destruction and misery. They divided
themselves into groups, nationalities, which is but a formulation in their minds. There is only
one God, one Creator, and all must be His creation. The Creator and His creation are one.
 Yes, he said,  for the Unknown to Be, the mind must be completely emptied of what
you believe or disbelieve. You must understand the whole content of your mind, the whole
process of ideas and formulations, and by this means only will you be aware moment-to-
moment, without any sense of accumulation. Your mind must be utterly silent without
acceptance, without resistance, condemning or blaming; when the self has died then only is
there that which is Real.
 Words are not important to you any more, for there is a state of Creativeness which is
not an idea or a word or the expression of the self. You will then know what Is, what is
 A description of the Indescribable is merely a cultivation of memory. To verbalise the
Indescribable---the Creative---the Unknown, is to put It into time, and that, which is of time
cannot be the Timeless.
 Now you see, my son, he said,  this knowing is not the result of the known but
knowing that the known is not the Unknown---the Creative.
 It is not obtained through reason because It is beyond reason, but It does not run
contrary to reason. It is not obtained through space or time factors, because It is ever-present in
Its own Eternity. Therefore, every moment, all Life is concentrated at any point in Its
omnipotence that you may choose to realise.
 Yes, I said,  I realise now that Divine Reason helps towards Divine Realisation. I
can reason towards the Ultimate but reason must cease because it cannot go beyond mind.
When it knows that it can never know, at that moment there is Reality.
 Yes, my son, I see that you understand now, and with this understanding you can go
further, for there is no ending. Anything that has an end is not Reality.
 It is the Unmanifest that gives rise to the manifest; the Invisible gives rise to the
visible. The Unknowable is the Creativeness within that creates, but will ever remain the
Uncreated, the Unknowable. The creation can be known, but the Creativeness ever remains
 Those who seek to corner Reality for their own welfare become antagonistic to others;
therefore, there is no love, no expression of the Real, only the self. It is the self that stands in
the way.
 Yes,  I of mine own self am nothing,  I quoted.  Then Love, Wholeness, comes into
Being. In Luke 12:20, I have read these words:  Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required
of thee; then, whose shall then these things be which thou has provided? I can see now why [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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