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There are only two proven ways to get more  Google love :
A. Have a great site with current, user friendly, keyword relevant
information, and more importantly...
B. Increase the number of quality pages that link to you.
In Google's own words:  Pages that we believe are important pages
receive a higher PageRank and are more likely to appear at the top of
the search results. Webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by
increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages.
What is this  PageRank ?
The  PageRank metric used by Google is assigned to virtually every
publicly accessible page online. You can measure the level of
importance that Google assigns to any page by checking its page rank
(PR). The score is a publicly viewable number from 0-10 with sites
having a score of 0 or 1. You can easily add a Google  PageRank
indicator to your browser button bar and begin noticing the difference
between sites that Google likes and sites that they barely even notice.
It has nothing to do with how  slick or pretty the site is. It has
everything to do with protecting the user experience when Google
users enter a search phrase. Google wants the best of the best
websites at the top. The best information, most up to date, most
 linked to, etc.
What's the difference between  organic results
and  paid results ?
Keep In mind that this entire section is referring to
Google's  organic results. These are the websites that
Google likes and rewards with a good search engine rank
at no expense whatsoever to the site owner. You'll notice
when using the Google search engine that they always
list the paid results or  Pay Per Click ads down the
right-hand side of the screen, as well as a handful of
them at the top of the screen. All of these ads appear as
a result of someone paying (in some cases, paying a lot)
to appear in those positions. There are entire books
written about the expensive prospect of effectively using
these ads for advertising. I don't rely on  Pay Per Click
ads, and this book won't be discussing them very much
at all because the learning curve is typically expensive
when using them. In my opinion it's getting more and
more difficult all the time to have success with PPC ads
Get more information on Google PR by searching Google for the term
 page rank. Your efforts at increasing your level of respect from
Google can easily be tracked by watching your score slowly creep up
over time.
How does Google's algorithm really work?
To truly understand what you are up against when trying to  win the
affections of Google, you'll need to start to grasp how seriously they
take the business of ranking websites. One of their core missions is to
automate as much as possible the process of providing easy access to
the best content on the Internet for all users of Google.com. Once you
understand that core service as their goal, consider the fact that
they've spent countless hours and millions of dollars hiring the most
brilliant statisticians, mathematicians, genius level data analysts, etc.,
all chartered with the mission of creating a top-secret algorithm that
automatically tracks and assigns page rank scores to every website
online. They do all this to decide which sites will appear on which
pages of the organic search results.
Yes  it's that complicated.
Want it all broken down in simple terms?
One of the best explanations I've ever heard of the Google ranking
algorithm was as follows:
Imagine a large wall covered with light switches. There are rows and
rows each with hundreds of light switches. Several top secret, genius
level engineers are assigned the task of continually adjusting those
light switches in such a way that the Google search engine performs at
an optimum level. It is an ongoing process that never  stabilizes. The
process never stabilizes because Google does not want anyone to
know the exact nature of their algorithm. They don't want anyone to
be able to manipulate their  machine. I even have a theory (it's my
opinion, but I've met many other industry experts that wholeheartedly
agree) that there are several random elements in this process that
make it impossible to fully map it out by anyone...ever (even their
own engineers).
The next time someone tells you that they can guarantee you results
on Google, imagine that person matching wits with the multi-million [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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