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"That you have never, my fine fellow; give me a squeeze of your honest
hand, and let there be a pledge of life or death in it."
The mate met the iron grasp of his commander, and each knew that he
received an assurance on which he might rely.
"Shall I awake the men, sir?" asked Mr. Leach.
"Not one of them. Every hour of sleep the people get will be a lower mast
saved. These sticks that still remain are our foundation, and even one of
them is of more account to us, just now, than a fleet of ships might be at
another time. Take your arms and follow me; but first we will give a hint
to the second-mate of what we are about."
This officer was asleep on the deck, for he had been so much wearied with
his great exertions that afternoon as to catch a little rest as the
sweetest of all gifts. It had been the intention of Captain Truck to
dismiss him to the boats: but, observing him to be overcome with
drowsiness, he had permitted him to catch a nap where he lay. The
look-out, too, was also slumbering under the same indulgence; but both
were now awakened, and made acquainted with the state of things on shore.
"Keep your eyes open, but keep a dead silence," concluded Captain Truck;
"for it is my wish to deceive these scouts, and to keep them ignorant of
our presence. When I cry out 'Alarm!' you will muster all hands, and clear
away for a brush, but not before. God bless you, my lads! mind and keep
your eyes open. Leach, I am ready."
The captain and his companion cautiously descended to the sands, and
passing astern of the ship, they first took their way to the jolly-boat,
which lay at the rocks in readiness to carry off the two officers to the
launch. Here they found the two men in charge so soundly asleep, that
nothing would have been easier than to bind them without giving the alarm.
After a little hesitation, it was determined to let them dream away their
sorrows, and to proceed to the spot where the bank was ascended.
At this place it became necessary to use the greatest precaution, for it
was literally entering the enemy's country. The steepness of the short
ascent requiring them to mount nearly on their hands and feet, this part
of their progress was made without much hazard, and the two adventurers
stood on the plain, sheltered by some bushes.
"Yonder is the camel," whispered the captain: "you see his crooked neck,
with the head tossing at moments. The fellow is not fifty yards from the
body of the poor German! Now let us follow along this line of bushes, and
keep a sharp look-out for the rider."
They proceeded in the manner mentioned, until they came to a point where
the bushes ceased, and there was an opening that overlooked the beach
quite near the wreck.
"Do you see the boats, Leach, here away, in a line with the starboard
davit of the Dane? They look like dark spots on the water, and an ignorant
Arab might be excused for taking them for rocks."
"Except that they rise and fall with the rollers; he must be doubly a Turk
who could make such a blunder!"
"Your wanderers of the desert are not so particular. The wreck has
certainly undergone some changes since yesterday, and I should not wonder
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if even a Mussulman found them out, but--"
The gripe of Mr. Leach, whose fingers almost entered the flesh of his arm,
and a hand pointed towards the bushes on the other side of the opening,
silenced the captain's whisper, A human form was seen standing on the
fringe of the bank, directly opposite the jib-boom. It was swaddled in a
sort of cloak, and the long musket that was borne in a hollow of an arm,
was just discernible, diverging from the line of the figure. The Arab, for
such it could only be, was evidently gazing on the wreck, and presently he
ventured out more boldly, and stood on the spot that was clear of bushes.
The death-like stillness on the beach deceived him, and he advanced with
less caution towards the spot where the two officers were in ambush, still
keeping his own eye on the ship. A few steps brought him within reach of
Captain Truck, who drew back his arm until the elbow reached his own hip,
when he darted it forward, and dealt the incautious barbarian a severe
blow between the eyes. The Arab fell like a slaughtered ox, and before his
senses were fairly recovered, he was bound hands and feet, and rolled over
the bank down upon the beach, with little ceremony, his fire-arms remaining
with his captors.
"That lad is in a category," whispered the captain; "it now remains to be
seen if there is another."
A long search was not rewarded with success, and it was determined to lead
the camel down the path, with a view to prevent his being seen by any
wanderer in the morning.
"If we get the lower masts out betimes," continued the captain, "these
land pirates will have no beacons in sight to steer by, and, in a country [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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