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Subtle. I have sent them up.
Face. Subtle, in troth, I needs must have this widow.
Subtle. Is that the matter ?
Face. Nay, but hear me.
Subtle. Go to,
If you rebel once, Dol shall know it all:
Therefore be quiet, and obey your chance.
Face. Nay, thou art so violent now - Do but conceive....
Subtle. I will not treat with thee; what ! sell my fortune ?
'Tis better than my birth-right. Do not murmur:
Win her, and carry her. If you grumble, Dol
Knows it directly.
Face. Well, sir, I am silent.
Will you go help to fetch in Don in state? [Exit.]
Subtle. I follow you, sir: we must keep Face in awe,
Or he will over-look us like a tyrant.
[Re-enter Face, introducing Surly disguised as a Spaniard.]
Brain of a tailor ! who comes here ? Don John !
Surly. Senores, beso las manos a vuestras mercedes....
Subtle. He looks in that deep ruff like a head in a platter,
Serv'd in by a short cloak upon two trestles.
Face. Or, what do you say to a collar of brawn, cut down
Beneath the souse, and wriggled with a knife ?
Subtle. 'Slud, he does look too fat to be a Spaniard.
Face. Perhaps some Fleming or some Hollander got him
In d' Alva's time; count Egmont's bastard.
Subtle. Don,
Your scurvy, yellow, Madrid face is welcome.
Surly. Gratia.
Subtle. He speaks out of a fortification.
Pray God he have no squibs in those deep sets.
Surly. Por dios, senores, muy linda casa !
Subtle. What says he ?
Face. Praises the house, I think;
I know no more but's action.
Subtle. Yes, the casa,
My precious Diego, will prove fair enough
To cozen you in. Do you mark ? you shall
Be cozen'd, Diego.
Face. Cozen'd, do you see,
My worthy Donzel, cozen'd.
Surly. Entiendo.
Subtle. Do you intend it! so do we, dear Don.
Have you brought pistolets, or portagues,
My solemn Don? - Dost thou feel any?
Face. [Feels his pockets.] Full.
Subtle. You shall be emptied, Don, pumped and drawn Dry, as they say.
Face. Milked, in troth, sweet Don.
Subtle. See all the monsters; the great lion of all, Don.
Surly. Con licencia, se puede ver a esta senora ?
Subtle. What talks he now ?
Face. Of the senora.
Subtle. O, Don,
That is the lioness, which you shall see
Also, my Don.
Face. 'Slid, Subtle, how shall we do?
Subtle. For what ?
Face. Why Dol's employ'd, you know.
Subtle. That's true.
'Fore heaven, I know not: he must stay, that's all.
Face. Stay ! that he must not by no means.
Subtle. No ! why ?
Face. Unless you'll mar all. 'Slight, he will suspect it:
And then he will not pay, not half so well....
Subtle. What shall we do then ?
Face. Think: you must be sudden.
Surly. Entiendo que la senora es tan hermosa, pue codicio
tan verla, coma la bien aventuranza de mi vida.
Face. Mi vida! 'Slid, Subtle, he puts me in mind o' the widow.
What dost thou say to draw her to it, ha !
And tell her 'tis her fortune ? all our venture
Now lies upon't....
What dost thou think on't, Subtle !
Subtle. Who, I ? why -
Face. The credit of our house too is engaged.
Subtle. You made me an offer for my share erewhile.
What wilt thou give me, i' faith ?
Face. O, by that light
I'll not buy now: You know your doom to me.
E'en take your lot, obey your chance, sir; win her,
And wear her out, for me.
Subtle. 'Slight, I'll not work her then.
Face. It is the common cause; therefore bethink you.
Dol else must know it, as you said.
Subtle. I care not.
Surly. Senores, porque se tarda tanto ?
Subtle. Faith, I am not fit, I am old.
Face. That's now no reason, sir.
Surly. Puede ser de hazer burla de mi amor ?
Face. You hear the Don too ! by this air, I call,
And loose the hinges: Dol !
Subtle. A plague of hell -
Face. Will you then do ?
Subtle. You are a terrible rogue !
I'll think of this: will you, sir, call the widow ?
Face. Yes, and I'll take her too with all her faults,
Now I do think on't better.
Subtle. With all my heart, sir;
Am I discharg'd o' the lot ?
Face. As you please.
Subtle. Hands. [They take hands.]
Face. Remember now, that upon any change,
You never claim her.
Subtle. Much good joy, and health to you, sir.
Marry a whore ! fate, let me wed a witch first.
Surly. Por estas honradas barbas -
Subtle. He swears by his beard.
Dispatch, and call the brother too. [Exit Face.]
Surly. Tengo duda, senores, que no me hagan alguna traycion.
Subtle. How, issue on ? yes, praesto, sennor. Please you
Enthratha the chambratha, worthy don:
Where if you please the fates, in your bathada,
You shall be soaked, and stroked and tubb'd, and rubb'd,
And scrubb'd, and fubb'd, dear don, before you go.
You shall in faith, my scurvy baboon don.
Be curried, claw'd and flaw'd, and taw'd, indeed.
I will the heartlier go about it now,...
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