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There followed a few rare, alleged, on-the-ground sightings
of UFOs, where the occupants stood by their craft also
studying rock samples. As usual no pictures were taken.
The most famous of these sightings was again officer
Zamora s sighting in New Mexico.
After the Americans developed their triangular
stealth aircraft, UFOs changed from saucer-shaped to
mainly triangular shaped. Huge, silent, flying triangles are
the predominant UFO sighting of the current age. They are
now seen on a daily basis somewhere in the world, usually
in America or Europe. If tomorrow we suddenly invent
flying telephone boxes, UFOs will appear as huge phone
boxes flying about at lightning speed.
Of course, the whole UFO thing is complete
bullshit. It s a control mechanism. The peek-a-boo nature of
the UFOs appearances is part of the ploy. They are
deliberately mysterious in order to create in the minds of
the observers the idea that mysterious solid  higher beings
from other planets or star systems are here in great
numbers, and that they have superior technology and a
theoretical control over the laws of science and space/time.
That idea is pure crap disinformation. The legendary
French UFO researcher, Jacque Vallee, figured it out. He
wrote about the malevolent nature of UFOs in his classic
book Messengers of Deception, which sadly is no longer
available. Jacque Vallee has since bowed out of UFO
research and is currently working at a university in Paris.
The film Close Encounters of the Third Kind was
Hollywood s story of his life. In fact, the film was another
large dollop of disinformation. Hollywood seems to be a
major source of UFO and ET disinformation; key players in
Tinsel town must know about it. Obviously it suits them to
follow instructions. It must be in their interests to do so.
Spielberg s benign ET that likes children and just wants to
return home is the most outrageous drivel ever offered. It is
deliberately designed to confuse people and lower their
guard. The occupants of UFOs are not benign. Far from
liking children, they abduct them. UFOs are not from the
stars, and unfortunately they are not going home. They are
here to stay. Meanwhile, they will create as much fear and
terror as they can.
The Sphere and the transdimensionals in it feed on
many things, but the three things I have identified so far as
etheric food for the field are: fear, noise (the human voice),
and activity. The objective of UFO sightings and abductions
is to fuel human intrigue and fear, as fear is food for the
field. They control through people s fear as any good fascist
organization might. Those who report having been
abducted initially experience extremes of terror, but
eventually, as they get used to the experience, their fear
subsides. Often, they are then shown terrifying film footage
of the world s future destruction, an ecological or nuclear
holocaust, tidal waves, tsunamis, and asteroids hitting the
planet, blah, blah. This fuels the terror for a while but
eventually the abductee becomes blasé toward apocalypses.
Once the abductee has absolutely no more fear about any of
his or her transdimensional experiences, the abductions
stop. No fear, no fuel for the field.
If you bare with me, I m going to show you
something that might make you puke with worry (just
kiddin ); but I will also show you the escape hatch. They say
ignorance is bliss. It is not. It s extremely bloody dangerous.
It can be fatal for your soul. I can lead you to the truth of
this with a degree of authority because I have endured years
of extreme terror to discover the nature of the
transdimensionals. It has not been an easy task, as the
transdimensionals are very secretive. They don t want
anyone knowing what is going on. But I was blessed with
perception in this lifetime, and what I didn t get as a gift, I
worked on myself to develop. I also had a lot of help
God s Gladiators. It was perception and the cat s curiosity
that drove me forward to discover whatever I could. I didn t
get the whole story as it s probably beyond my
comprehension, and also, as I got closer and closer it
became far too dangerous, so some of the story still remains
But from my experiences, I can say this: if there is
one thing that will serve you more than anything else in this
life, more than money, fame, or specialness, it is perception.
It is the only currency of choice right now. When you pray
to your God, don t pray for safety; pray for perception.
Only the truly perceptive will ever be able to direct their
lives to a healthy spiritual conclusion, which I am sure you
Now, here is something about the fields that is hard
to comprehend and you may not want to believe. When
Morpheus in The Matrix shows Neo the true nature of the
fields, Neo cannot accept it. He flips out and starts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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